.gov - .gov General Information - Register .gov - US Government Domains
International domain registration and IP protection since 1997

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.gov is a sponsored top-level domain restricted for use by government entities in the United States. The U.S. Some U.S. Additionally, some technically private organizations having some formal association with the federal government make use of .gov, such as the quasi-public Federal Reserve System (federalreserve.gov).. All governments in the U.S.

.govUS Government

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.gov Domain Prices

Prices shown in Australian Dollars (AUD) British Pounds (GBP) Danish Krone (DKK) Euros (EUR) New Zealand Dollars (NZD) Swedish Krona (SEK) US Dollars (USD)

Period Registration Renewal
1 year$1391.20kr6091€816.20£717.60$1477.10kr8826$850.50R16647.00 $1545.80kr6768€906.90£797.30$1641.20kr9807$945.00R18497.00  

.gov Domain Notes

Note: The registry may classify some domain names as premium domain names if so classfied they will command a higher price.

gov domains include 3rd party fees and maintenance & during the registration period. If you wish to transfer your gov domain away during your registration period you are free do do so without charge. We do not charge an administration fee.

.gov Details

Registry: The registry is General Services Administration, operated by ZoneEdit

Purpose: Governmental entities

Whois Information: for .gov

Once your .gov domain is registered

Once registered the .gov domain is placed on our international server, provinding an under-construction page for your .gov domain, for as long as required. (This enables a browser of your gov domain to readily identify that it is registered).

We can also supply free of charge.

E-mail redirection.

Web redirection.

Whois Privacy.

and more....

Free transfer away if required. We do not and will not charge release / transfer or administration fees for transferring domains to a different gov domain name registrars. The domain name is yours and not ours, unlike many other companies, "We recognise that fact!"

.gov Registration

.gov domain registration

Prices from as little as: $1391.20kr6091€816.20£717.60$1477.10kr8826$850.50R16647.00 for 1 year.

.gov Background Information

.gov is a sponsored top-level domain restricted for use by government entities in the United States. The .gov domain is administered by the General Services Administration (GSA The U.S. is the only country that has a government-specific top-level domain in addition to its country-code top-level domain, due to the origins of the Internet as a U.S. federal government-sponsored research network (see National Science Foundatio Network and ARPANET). Other countries typically use a second-level domain for this purpose (such as .gov.ar for Argentina, .gov.au for Australia, .gc.ca for Canada, .gouv.fr for France, .gov.in for India, .gov.my for Malaysia, .govt.nz for New Zealand, .guv.ro for Romania, .gov.uk for the United Kingdom, .gub.uy for Uruguay, .gov.za for South Africa).

Some U.S. federal agencies use .fed.us rather than .gov. The Department of Defense and its subsidiary organizations use .mil. Some U.S. governmental entities use other domains, such as the use of .com domains by the United States Postal Service (whih uses both usps.gov and usps.com for the same location, although it only advertises the .com version) and the United States Army's recruitment website (goarmy.com, this trend is repeated at the recruitment websites of the other branches of the U.S. Military).

Additionally, some technically private organizations having some formal association with the federal government make use of .gov, such as the quasi-public Federal Reserve System (federalreserve.gov).

All governments in the U.S. are allowed to apply for use of .gov, such as atlantaga.gov for the city of Atlanta, loudoun.gov for the county of Loudoun, Virginia and georgia.gov for the U.S. state of Georgia. This was not always true; under an earlie policy, only federal agencies were allowed to use the domain, and agencies beneath cabinet level were required to use subdomains of their parent agency. There is a lack of consistency in addresses of state and local government sites, with some using .gov, some .us, some using both (the Commonwealth of Virginia uses both www.state.va.us and www.virginia.gov for the same location) and still others in .com, .org or other TLDs.

Background information supplied by Wikipedia.It is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License

.gov Assignment

How Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assign the .gov domain. IANA is a department of ICANN, a non-profit private American corporation, they oversees IP address allocation, root zone management in the Do main Name System (DNS), and other Internet related symbols and numbers.

.gov Assignment

Facts & Figures

Domain Facts & Figures : Billing Periods, Renewal details, delegation details and more. Everything you need to know about your US Government .(gov) domain.

.gov Facts

.gov Renewals

You may renew your .gov domain without logging into your control panel by using our quick and painfree renewal service, or even transfer it into bbonline to be renewed if necessary.

.gov Renewals

Other US Government (gov) Domains:



Premium Domain Names

The registry may list some names as a premium domain name, if so this domain will be charged at a higher price than the one listed. We will contact you before completing your order if you order one of these names.

Reserved Names

The registry reserves some names for its own use, and may not mark them as registered. We may only discover this at the time of attempted registration.