.କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Website Registration - .କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Domain Whois Information - Register .କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Indian Domains
Indian .କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Domain Whois Information - .in is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for India. As of 2005[update], liberalised policies for the .in domain allow unlimited second-level registrations under .in. .in (available to anyone; used by companies, individuals, and organizations in India).co.in (originally for banks, registered companies, and trademarks).firm.in (originally for shops, partnerships, liaison offices, sole proprietorships).net.in (originally for Internet service providers).org.in (originally for non-profit organizations).gen.in (originally for general/miscellaneous use).ind.in (originally for individuals)Six zones are reserved for use by qualified organizations in India:. .ac.in (Academic institutions).edu.in (Educational institutions).res.in (Indian research institutes).gov.in (Indian government).mil.in (Indian military)Before the more liberal policies for the .in domain, only 7000 names had been registered between 1992 and 2004. The domain .nic.in is reserved for India's National Informatics Centre, but in practice most Indian government agencies have domains ending in .nic.in..

କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ is an IDN (International Domain Name), these characters cannot be used with DNS (Domain Naming System), as such these are formed by using an ASCII encoded string xn--ohc2bfp5fn1g.xn--3hcrj9c.

You may sometimes see the domain କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ represented as xn--ohc2bfp5fn1g.xn--3hcrj9c.


Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the Indian domain type, ie. "xn--ohc2bfp5fn1g.xn--3hcrj9c". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.xn--ohc2bfp5fn1g.xn--3hcrj9c" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Domain Fees

Prices in US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

This domain is currently un-available for registration

Term New Renew
Not yet in use
Domain New Renew
in Domain Name Registration .in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
ಭಾರತ Domain Name Registration .ಭಾರತ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ଭାରତ Domain Name Registration .ଭାରତ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ভাৰত Domain Name Registration .ভাৰত$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ভারত Domain Name Registration .ভারত$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
భారత్ Domain Name Registration .భారత్$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
बऽयणभौ Domain Name Registration .बऽयणभौ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ભારત Domain Name Registration .ભારત$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
भारतम् Domain Name Registration .भारतम्$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
भारोत Domain Name Registration .भारोत$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
भारत Domain Name Registration .भारत$62.80 $70.90
Not yet in use
بھارت Domain Name Registration .بھارت$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
بارت Domain Name Registration .بارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ڀارت Domain Name Registration .ڀارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ഭാരതം Domain Name Registration .ഭാരതം$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ਭਾਰਤ Domain Name Registration .ਭਾਰਤ$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
இந்தியா Domain Name Registration .இந்தியா$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
5g.in Domain Name Registration .5g.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
6g.in Domain Name Registration .6g.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
ahmdabad.in Domain Name Registration .ahmdabad.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
ai.in Domain Name Registration .ai.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
am.in Domain Name Registration .am.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
bihar.in Domain Name Registration .bihar.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
biz.in Domain Name Registration .biz.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
business.in Domain Name Registration .business.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
ca.in Domain Name Registration .ca.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
cn.in Domain Name Registration .cn.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
com.in Domain Name Registration .com.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
coop.in Domain Name Registration .coop.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
co.in Domain Name Registration .co.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions
cs.in Domain Name Registration .cs.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
delhi.in Domain Name Registration .delhi.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
dr.in Domain Name Registration .dr.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
er.in Domain Name Registration .er.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
gujarat.in Domain Name Registration .gujarat.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
info.in Domain Name Registration .info.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
internet.in Domain Name Registration .internet.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
int.in Domain Name Registration .int.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
io.in Domain Name Registration .io.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
me.in Domain Name Registration .me.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
net.in Domain Name Registration .net.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
org.in Domain Name Registration .org.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
pg.in Domain Name Registration .pg.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
post.in Domain Name Registration .post.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
pro.in Domain Name Registration .pro.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
travel.in Domain Name Registration .travel.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
tv.in Domain Name Registration .tv.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
uk.in Domain Name Registration .uk.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
up.in Domain Name Registration .up.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
us.in Domain Name Registration .us.inPrice on request Price on request
No restrictions
ac.in Domain Name Registration .ac.in$156.10 $173.00
The applicant must have a registered academy or college in India
edu.in Domain Name Registration .edu.in$157.40 $174.30
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
ernet.in Domain Name Registration .ernet.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
firm.in Domain Name Registration .firm.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
gen.in Domain Name Registration .gen.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
gov.in Domain Name Registration .gov.in$62.20 $50.70
The registration of .gov.in domain names is restricted to Departments of the Indian Government.
ind.in Domain Name Registration .ind.in$62.20 $50.70
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
mil.in Domain Name Registration .mil.in$62.20 $50.70
The registration of .mil.in domain names is restricted to Departments of Defence in India
res.in Domain Name Registration .res.in$156.10 $173.00
No restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; restrictions under some specialized subdomains
ಕಂಪನಿ.ಭಾರತ Domain Name Registration .ಕಂಪನಿ.ಭಾರತ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ.ಭಾರತ Domain Name Registration .ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ.ಭಾರತ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ಸರಕಾರ.ಭಾರತ Domain Name Registration .ಸರಕಾರ.ಭಾರತ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ସରକାର.ଭାରତ Domain Name Registration .ସରକାର.ଭାରତ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ଶିକ୍ଷା.ଭାରତ Domain Name Registration .ଶିକ୍ଷା.ଭାରତ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
কোম্পানী.ভাৰত Domain Name Registration .কোম্পানী.ভাৰত$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
শিক্ষা.ভাৰত Domain Name Registration .শিক্ষা.ভাৰত$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
চৰকাৰ.ভাৰত Domain Name Registration .চৰকাৰ.ভাৰত$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ইজুকেসন.ভারত Domain Name Registration .ইজুকেসন.ভারত$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
কোম্পানি.ভারত Domain Name Registration .কোম্পানি.ভারত$45.30 $498.00
Not yet in use
গভর্নমেন্ত.ভারত Domain Name Registration .গভর্নমেন্ত.ভারত$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
కంపెనీ.భారత్ Domain Name Registration .కంపెనీ.భారత్$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
ప్రభుత్వం.భారత్ Domain Name Registration .ప్రభుత్వం.భారత్$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
విద్యా.భారత్ Domain Name Registration .విద్యా.భారత్$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
शिक्षण.बऽयणभौ Domain Name Registration .शिक्षण.बऽयणभौ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
संस्था.बऽयणभौ Domain Name Registration .संस्था.बऽयणभौ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
शासनम्.बऽयणभौ Domain Name Registration .शासनम्.बऽयणभौ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
સરકાર.ભારત Domain Name Registration .સરકાર.ભારત$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
કંપની.ભારત Domain Name Registration .કંપની.ભારત$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
વિદ્યા.ભારત Domain Name Registration .વિદ્યા.ભારત$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
शिक्षण.भारतम् Domain Name Registration .शिक्षण.भारतम्$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
संस्था.भारतम् Domain Name Registration .संस्था.भारतम्$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
सरकार.भारत Domain Name Registration .सरकार.भारत$62.80 $70.90
Not yet in use
कंपनी.भारत Domain Name Registration .कंपनी.भारत$62.80 $70.90
Not yet in use
विद्या.भारत Domain Name Registration .विद्या.भारत$62.80 $70.90
Not yet in use
कोम्पानी.भारोत Domain Name Registration .कोम्पानी.भारोत$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
सोरकार.भारोत Domain Name Registration .सोरकार.भारोत$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
सिखनात.भारोत Domain Name Registration .सिखनात.भारोत$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
کمپنی.بارت Domain Name Registration .کمپنی.بارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
سرکار.بارت Domain Name Registration .سرکار.بارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
تعلیمی.بارت Domain Name Registration .تعلیمی.بارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
كمپنی.بھارت Domain Name Registration .كمپنی.بھارت$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
سركار.بھارت Domain Name Registration .سركار.بھارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
تعلیم.بھارت Domain Name Registration .تعلیم.بھارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ڪمپني.ڀارت Domain Name Registration .ڪمپني.ڀارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
سرڪار.ڀارت Domain Name Registration .سرڪار.ڀارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
تعليم.ڀارت Domain Name Registration .تعليم.ڀارت$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
കന്പനി.ഭാരതം Domain Name Registration .കന്പനി.ഭാരതം$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
സര്ക്കാര്.ഭാരതം Domain Name Registration .സര്ക്കാര്.ഭാരതം$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
വിദീയാഭീയാസ.ഭാരതം Domain Name Registration .വിദീയാഭീയാസ.ഭാരതം$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ਕੰਪਨੀ.ਭਾਰਤ Domain Name Registration .ਕੰਪਨੀ.ਭਾਰਤ$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use
ਸਰਕਾਰ.ਭਾਰਤ Domain Name Registration .ਸਰਕਾਰ.ਭਾਰਤ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ਸਿੱਖਿਆ.ਭਾਰਤ Domain Name Registration .ਸਿੱਖਿਆ.ਭਾਰਤ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
ਵਿਦਿਆ.ਭਾਰਤ Domain Name Registration .ਵਿਦਿਆ.ਭਾਰਤ$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
கல்வி.இந்தியா Domain Name Registration .கல்வி.இந்தியா$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
அரசு.இந்தியா Domain Name Registration .அரசு.இந்தியா$73.60 $73.60
Not yet in use
நிறுவனம்.இந்தியா Domain Name Registration .நிறுவனம்.இந்தியா$45.30 $49.30
Not yet in use

.କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Domain Whois Information

$73.60 for 1 year.

.କମ୍ପାନୀ.ଭାରତ Whois Delegation Record