.ASSO.MC Website Registration - .ASSO.MC Domain Renewal - Register .ASSO.MC Monaco Domains
Monaco .asso.mc Domain Renewal - .mc is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Monaco..


Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the Monaco domain type, ie. "asso.mc". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.asso.mc" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.asso.mc Domain Fees

Prices in US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

General Availabilty Pricing

Term New Renew
1 year$312.20 $173.00  
In the case of an association, the request must be accompanied by a copy of the publication in the Journal de Monaco, the receipt of the declaration or the ministerial authorization. These names will be stored in the root .Asso.Mc
Domain New Renew
mc Domain Name Registration .mc$73.00 $73.00
In order to register a .MC domain name you must have a company registered in Monaco. � � In the case of a company or an organization, the application must be accompanied by an extract of the Directory of Trade and Industry. The requested domain name must conform to the name or initials mentioned in the extract. Each entity may choose maximum 3 names entered in the Register of Commerce and Industry.
tm.mc Domain Name Registration .tm.mc$195.30 $173.00
In order to register this domain name, you must have a trademark registered in Monaco. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of brand identity or a copy of the official title issued by the Division of Intellectual Property Directorate of Economic Expansion. On International trademarks designating Monaco, a certificate of registration of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will be attached to the application. These names will be stored in the root .Tm.Mc

.asso.mc Domain Renewal

.asso.mc domain registration

$312.20 for 1 year.

.asso.mc Domain Renewal

Please verify you are not a robot by entering the code you see in the image and clicking 'Go' to continue.

Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Monaco Plural domain type, ie. “.asso.mc”. Therefore to search “www.bb-online.asso.mc” enter “bb-online” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.