.ART.DO Website Registration - .ART.DO Domain Renewal - Register .ART.DO Dominican Republic Domains
Dominican Republic .art.do Domain Renewal - .do is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Dominican Republic. Registrations are taken at the third level beneath these second-level names:. edu.do: Academic institutionsgob.do / gov.do: Governmental institutionscom.do: Commercial organizationssld.do: Institutions of healthorg.do: Nongovernmental institutionsnet.do: Internet service providersweb.do: Web development and servicesmil.do: Military institutionsart.do: Arts institutions.

.art.doDominican Republic

Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the Dominican Republic domain type, ie. "art.do". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.art.do" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.art.do Domain Fees

Prices in US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

General Availabilty Pricing

Term New Renew
1 year$73.60 $73.60  
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .art.do domain names, but they are primarily intended for art institutions.
Domain New Renew
do Domain Name Registration .do$129.10 $110.80
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .do domain names.
com.do Domain Name Registration .com.do$73.60 $73.60
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .com.do domain names.
edu.do Domain Name Registration .edu.do$73.60 $73.60
Registration of .edu.do domain names is available only for educational or training institutions in the Dominican Republic.
gob.do Domain Name Registration .gob.do$73.60 $73.60
Registration of .gob.do domain names is restricted to Governmental institutions of the Dominican Republic. Required documentation: a letter in stamped paper of the governmental office that requests the domain name, signed by the Manager of the mentioned office or by his legal representative.
gov.do Domain Name Registration .gov.do$73.60 $73.60
Registration of .gov.do domain names is restricted to Governmental institutions of the Dominican Republic. Required documentation: a letter in stamped paper of the governmental office that requests the domain name, signed by the Manager of the mentioned office or by his legal representative.
mil.do Domain Name Registration .mil.do$73.60 $73.60
Registration of .mil.do domain names is restricted to Military institutions of the Dominican Republic. Required documentation: a letter in stamped paper of the governmental office that requests the domain name, signed by the Manager of the mentioned office or by his legal representative.
net.do Domain Name Registration .net.do$73.60 $73.60
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .net.do domain names.
org.do Domain Name Registration .org.do$73.60 $73.60
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .org.do domain names.
sid.do Domain Name Registration .sid.do$73.60 $73.60
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .sid.do domain names, but they are primarily intended for health institutions.
web.do Domain Name Registration .web.do$73.60 $73.60
Currently there are no restrictions on registering .web.do domain names, but they are primarily intended for web services organisations.

.art.do Domain Renewal

.art.do domain registration

$73.60 for 1 year.

.art.do Domain Renewal

Please verify you are not a robot by entering the code you see in the image and clicking 'Go' to continue.

Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Dominican Republic Plural domain type, ie. “.art.do”. Therefore to search “www.bb-online.art.do” enter “bb-online” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.