.MED.LY Website Registration - .MED.LY Domain Whois Information - Register .MED.LY Libyan Domains
International domain registration and IP protection since 1997

Support: +44 (0)1582 572148 (Standard rate call)

Libyan .med.ly Domain Whois Information - .ly is also the file name extension of the lilypond format..ly is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Libya.. It was apparently at one point open for registrations globally, directly at the second level, and there is a scattering of sites in it, some taking advantage of meanings of "ly" in various languages and place names as a suffix, as in ita.ly. Currently, a lydomains.com site that formerly offered .ly domains for sale is abandoned and cybersquatted; according to the official registry site (nic.ly) it is no longer authorized as a registrar. LTT does not offer any means of registering domains online, but LTT's site does list one lone reseller, Libyan Spider Network, which does offer second and third-level .ly domains.. Second-level domains are sold at a substantially higher price: three times that of third-level .ly domain registrations.. According to the registration site, "any .LY domain names may be registered, except domains containing obscene and indecent names/phrases, including words of a sexual nature; furthermore domain names may not contain words/phrases or abbreviations insulting religion or politics, or be related to gambling and lottery industry or be contrary to Libyan law or Islamic morality.". The second-level domains which are officially open to third-level registrations are:. .com.ly: Commercial services.net.ly: Internet-related services.gov.ly: Government and ministries.plc.ly: State-owned companies.edu.ly: Educational and training institutions.sch.ly: Schools.med.ly: Health-related services.org.ly: Non-profit organizations.id.ly: Individuals..


Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the Libyan domain type, ie. "med.ly". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.med.ly" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.med.ly Domain Fees

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD) Pound Sterling (GBP) Danish Krone (DKK) Euros (EUR) New Zealand Dollars (NZD) Swedish Krona (SEK) US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

General Availabilty Pricing

Term New Renew
1 year$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 $161.90kr768€102.90£83.00$172.40kr1060$117.40R1625.00  
Dedicated only for entities that provides health services such as hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies, etc
Domain New Renew
ly Domain Name Registration .ly$143.40kr680€91.10£73.50$152.70kr939$104.00R1439.00 $184.30kr874€117.10£94.50$196.30kr1207$133.70R1851.00
No restrictions
com.ly Domain Name Registration .com.ly$122.90kr583€78.10£63.00$130.90kr805$89.10R1234.00 $122.90kr583€78.10£63.00$130.90kr805$89.10R1234.00
Dedicated only for entities that provide commercial services. Also, registered trade names and marks
edu.ly Domain Name Registration .edu.ly$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 $161.90kr768€102.90£83.00$172.40kr1060$117.40R1625.00
Dedicated only for educational and training institutions, e.g., universities, training institutes, etc.
gov.ly Domain Name Registration .gov.ly$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 $161.90kr768€102.90£83.00$172.40kr1060$117.40R1625.00
Dedicated only for Governmental entities including popular congresses and comities, ministries, authorities and government agencies.
id.ly Domain Name Registration .id.ly$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 $161.90kr768€102.90£83.00$172.40kr1060$117.40R1625.00
Dedicated only for entities or individuals that do not fit within any of the above definitions, including personal names
net.ly Domain Name Registration .net.ly$122.90kr583€78.10£63.00$130.90kr805$89.10R1234.00 $122.90kr583€78.10£63.00$130.90kr805$89.10R1234.00
Dedicated only for entities that provide Internet-related services, e.g., ISPs, web hosting, portal sites, etc.
org.ly Domain Name Registration .org.ly$122.90kr583€78.10£63.00$130.90kr805$89.10R1234.00 $122.90kr583€78.10£63.00$130.90kr805$89.10R1234.00
Dedicated only for non-profit organizations including societies, charities, clubs and youth federations.
plc.ly Domain Name Registration .plc.ly$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 $161.90kr768€102.90£83.00$172.40kr1060$117.40R1625.00
Dedicated only to entities operating as state owned companies.
sch.ly Domain Name Registration .sch.ly$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 $161.90kr768€102.90£83.00$172.40kr1060$117.40R1625.00
Dedicated only for Kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools, and high schools.

.med.ly Domain Whois Information

.med.ly domain registration

$202.90kr962€128.90£104.00$216.10kr1328$147.10R2037.00 for 1 year.

.med.ly Whois Delegation Record

% IANA WHOIS server
% for more information on IANA, visit http://www.iana.org
% This query returned 1 object

domain: LY

organisation: General Post and Telecommunication Company
address: Al Zawia st.
address: GPTC Tower
address: Tripoli
address: Libya

contact: administrative
name: Marwan K. Maghur (LY ccTLD Director)
organisation: General Post and Telecommunication Company
address: Al Zawia st.
address: GPTC Tower
address: Tripoli
address: Libya
phone: +218 91 2123880
fax-no: +218 21 3614170
e-mail: maghur@gmail.com

contact: technical
name: Khaled Esheh (Technical Manager)
organisation: Libya Telecom and Technology
address: Alshut Road
address: P.O. Box 91612
address: Tripoli
address: Libya
phone: +218 21 3400020
fax-no: +218 21 3400039
e-mail: k.esheh@ltt.ly

nserver: DNS1.LTTNET.NET
nserver: NS-LY.AFRINIC.NET 2001:43f8:120:0:0:0:0:24
nserver: PCH.LTT.LY 2001:500:14:6067:ad:0:0:1
nserver: PHLOEM.UOREGON.EDU 2001:468:d01:20:0:0:80df:2023

whois: whois.nic.ly

status: ACTIVE
remarks: Registration information: http://www.nic.ly/

created: 1997-04-23
changed: 2016-07-01
source: IANA