.CO.DE Website Registration - .CO.DE Domain Whois Information - Register .CO.DE German Domains
International domain registration and IP protection since 1997

Support: +44 (0)1582 572148 (Standard rate call)

German .co.de Domain Whois Information - .de is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Federal Republic of Germany. The name is based on the first two letters of the German name for Germany (Deutschland). .de is currently the second most popular ccTLD in terms of number of registrations, after .cn, and is third after .com and .cn among all TLDs.. The first point of registration for .de domains was at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Dortmund. .de registrations may be directly ordered from DENIC but it is faster and cheaper to do so via a DENIC member (registrar).. The domain name must have at least 3 letters and may not be exclusively composed of numbers. Registrations of internationalized domain names are also accepted so that all diacritics of German may be used.. In many romanic languages, e.g., Spanish, French, Romanian and Portuguese, "de" expresses the genitive of a noun (like "of" in English).


Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the German domain type, ie. "co.de". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.co.de" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.co.de Domain Fees

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD) Pound Sterling (GBP) Danish Krone (DKK) Euros (EUR) New Zealand Dollars (NZD) Swedish Krona (SEK) US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

General Availabilty Pricing

Term New Renew
1 year$89.50kr392€52.50£42.00$95.10kr568$57.50R1073.00 $60.80kr266€35.70£28.50$64.50kr386$39.00R728.00  
2 years$163.10kr714€95.70£76.50$173.20kr1035$104.70R1955.00 $120.40kr527€70.70£56.50$127.90kr764$77.30R1444.00  
3 years$217.40kr952€127.60£102.00$230.90kr1380$139.60R2607.00 $181.20kr793€106.30£85.00$192.40kr1150$116.40R2172.00  
4 years$272.90kr1195€160.10£128.00$289.80kr1732$175.20R3271.00 $242.00kr1060€142.00£113.50$257.00kr1536$155.40R2900.00  
5 years$326.20kr1428€191.40£153.00$346.40kr2070$209.50R3910.00 $302.70kr1326€177.60£142.00$321.50kr1921$194.40R3629.00  
6 years$380.50kr1666€223.30£178.50$404.10kr2415$244.40R4561.00 $342.20kr1498€200.80£160.50$363.40kr2171$219.70R4101.00  
7 years$417.80kr1830€245.20£196.00$443.70kr2652$268.30R5009.00 $382.70kr1676€224.60£179.50$406.40kr2428$245.70R4587.00  
8 years$454.10kr1988€266.50£213.00$482.20kr2882$291.60R5443.00 $423.20kr1853€248.30£198.50$449.40kr2686$271.70R5073.00  
9 years$489.30kr2142€287.10£229.50$519.60kr3105$314.20R5865.00 $443.40kr1942€260.20£208.00$470.90kr2814$284.80R5315.00  
10 years$525.50kr2301€308.40£246.50$558.10kr3335$337.50R6299.00 $463.70kr2030€272.10£217.50$492.40kr2943$297.80R5558.00  
No restrictions
Domain New Renew
de Domain Name Registration .de$71.40kr313€41.90£33.50$75.80kr453$45.90R856.00 $78.90kr345€46.30£37.00$83.80kr501$50.70R946.00
To register a .de domain name the administrative contact must be resident in Germany.
com.de Domain Name Registration .com.de$71.40kr313€41.90£33.50$75.80kr453$45.90R856.00 $99.10kr434€58.20£46.50$105.30kr629$63.70R1188.00
No restrictions

.co.de Domain Whois Information

.co.de domain registration

$89.50kr392€52.50£42.00$95.10kr568$57.50R1073.00 for 1 year.

.co.de Whois Delegation Record

% IANA WHOIS server
% for more information on IANA, visit http://www.iana.org
% This query returned 1 object

domain: DE

organisation: DENIC eG
address: Kaiserstrasse 75-77
address: Frankfurt am Main 60329
address: Germany

contact: administrative
name: Vorstand DENIC eG
organisation: DENIC eG
address: Kaiserstrasse 75-77
address: Frankfurt am Main 60329
address: Germany
phone: +49 69 27235 0
fax-no: +49 69 27235 235
e-mail: vorstand@denic.de

contact: technical
name: Business Services
organisation: DENIC eG
address: Kaiserstrasse 75-77
address: Frankfurt am Main 60329
address: Germany
phone: +49 69 27235 272
fax-no: +49 69 27235 234
e-mail: dbs@denic.de

nserver: A.NIC.DE 2001:678:2:0:0:0:0:53
nserver: F.NIC.DE 2a02:568:0:2:0:0:0:53
nserver: L.DE.NET 2001:668:1f:11:0:0:0:105
nserver: N.DE.NET 2001:67c:1011:1:0:0:0:53
nserver: S.DE.NET 2003:8:14:0:0:0:0:53
nserver: Z.NIC.DE 2a02:568:fe02:0:0:0:0:de
ds-rdata: 45580 8 2 918c32e2f12211766be6226674f447458f2259b9a0d87b44d29d55afeca6b2e1

whois: whois.denic.de

status: ACTIVE
remarks: Registration information: http://www.denic.de/

created: 1986-11-05
changed: 2020-03-25
source: IANA