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Global Anycast Network
Improving the reliability and speed of your user experience

Global Anycast Network

Understanding Global Anycast Network

Anycast is a network addressing and routing methodology that attributes a single IP address to multiple DNS servers in a network.

The basis of Anycast is that the user's location is used to determine which one of the name servers is the nearest to transmit the data to.

This strategy, reduces the time taken for data transfer because it passes through the least number of network servers — promoting an efficient and repeatable world-wide web experience for all users.

Anycast Key Points

Speedier Connectivity
Data is channelled to the closest DNS server, minimising outward and return journey time.
Load Balanced
Every DNS server is able to respond and process data requests and by using IP Addresses (instead of DNS) failover is achieved.
Clear Configuration Administration
Each DNS server is delivered the same server configuration.

DDoS Reduction
After screening, the DDoS attack traffic is dispersed throughout many data centres; in this way, no single server is suffocated with requests.

Further Reading Resources

Links To In Depth Anycast Articles
