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.संगठन Whois Record - .संगठन Delegation Details - .संगठन Organization Whois

Global Domains: Organization (.संगठन)


Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Organization domain type, ie. “.संगठन”. Therefore to search “” enter “bb-online” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.


To register your Organization domain, click here!

.संगठन - Whois Delegation Record

% IANA WHOIS server
% for more information on IANA, visit
% This query returned 1 object

domain: संगठन
domain-ace: XN--I1B6B1A6A2E

organisation: Public Interest Registry
address: 1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 100
address: Reston, VA 20190
address: United States

contact: administrative
name: Director of Operations, Compliance and Customer Support
organisation: Public Interest Registry (PIR)
address: 1775 Wiehle Avenue
address: Reston, VA 20190
address: United States
phone: +1 919 369 4161
fax-no: +1 703 889 5779

contact: technical
name: Director, DNS Infrastructure Group
organisation: Afilias
address: Building 3, Suite 105
address: 300 Welsh Road
address: Horsham, PA 19044
address: United States
phone: +1 215.706.5700
fax-no: +1 215.706.5701

nserver: A0.NIC.XN--I1B6B1A6A2E 2a01:8840:b2:0:0:0:0:1
nserver: A2.NIC.XN--I1B6B1A6A2E 2a01:8840:b5:0:0:0:0:1
nserver: B0.NIC.XN--I1B6B1A6A2E 2a01:8840:b3:0:0:0:0:1
nserver: C0.NIC.XN--I1B6B1A6A2E 2a01:8840:b4:0:0:0:0:1
ds-rdata: 34428 7 1 d949dcfc31ab240a5c78add773e848509c77ad36
ds-rdata: 34428 7 2 d4733d3b3e52a19a5670c7151d9e1a535c8832efebe9a10dc7bc372949c3bee3


status: ACTIVE
remarks: Registration information:

created: 2014-02-27
changed: 2016-05-09
source: IANA

Our prices shown for Organization are totally inclusive of maintenance and all third party fees incurred during the course of registration. We guarantee that no additional costs - hidden or otherwise - will be added .

International domain names from BB Online since 1997