.HE.CN Website Registration - .HE.CN Domain Whois Information - Register .HE.CN Chinese Domains
Chinese .he.cn Domain Whois Information - .cn is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the People's Republic of China.. The domain name administration in People's Republic of China is done through a branch of the Ministry of Information Industry. It is currently the second most common top-level domain, only after .com, but before .de, and .net, with over 12 million registrations..


Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the Chinese domain type, ie. "he.cn". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.he.cn" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.he.cn Domain Fees

Prices in US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

General Availabilty Pricing

Term New Renew
1 year$45.90 $50.70  
2 years$91.20 $101.40  
3 years$136.50 $150.70  
4 years$182.40 $202.00  
5 years$228.40 $252.00  
6 years$273.60 $304.10  
7 years$319.60 $354.10  
8 years$363.50 $404.70  
9 years$409.50 $454.70  
10 years$454.70 $506.10  
.he.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Hebei.
Domain New Renew
cn Domain Name Registration .cn$45.90 $50.70
.cn domains are restricted. You must provide identification. A company Certificate for companies and a scan of a valid Passport if a personal application;
中国 Domain Name Registration .中国$45.90 $50.70
Like all Chinese domains .xn--fiqs8s are restricted. You must provide identification. A company Certificate for companies and a scan of a valid Passport if a personal application;
中國 Domain Name Registration .中國Price on request Price on request
Allocated but not yet available.
com.cn Domain Name Registration .com.cn$45.90 $50.70
.com.cn domains are restricted. You must provide identification. A company Certificate for companies and a scan of a valid Passport if a personal application;
net.cn Domain Name Registration .net.cn$45.90 $50.70
.net.cn domains are restricted. You must provide identification. A company Certificate for companies and a scan of a valid Passport if a personal application;
org.cn Domain Name Registration .org.cn$45.90 $50.70
.org.cn domains are restricted. You must provide identification. A company Certificate for companies and a scan of a valid Passport if a personal application; Restricted to Chinese Organisations.
ac.cn Domain Name Registration .ac.cn$45.90 $50.70
.ac.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations.
ah.cn Domain Name Registration .ah.cn$45.90 $50.70
.ah.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Anhui.
bj.cn Domain Name Registration .bj.cn$45.90 $50.70
.bj.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Beijing.
cq.cn Domain Name Registration .cq.cn$45.90 $50.70
.cq.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Chongqing.
edu.cn Domain Name Registration .edu.cn$45.90 $347.30
Second-level and most third-level names are unrestricted; .gov.cn and .edu.cn are limited to qualified entities
fj.cn Domain Name Registration .fj.cn$45.90 $50.70
.fj.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Fujian.
gd.cn Domain Name Registration .gd.cn$45.90 $50.70
.gd.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Guangdong.
gov.cn Domain Name Registration .gov.cn$45.90 $50.70
Registration restricted to official Chinese government organisations.
gs.cn Domain Name Registration .gs.cn$45.90 $50.70
.gs.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Gansu.
gx.cn Domain Name Registration .gx.cn$45.90 $50.70
.gx.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Guangxi.
gz.cn Domain Name Registration .gz.cn$45.90 $50.70
.gz.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Guizhou.
ha.cn Domain Name Registration .ha.cn$45.90 $50.70
.ha.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Henan.
hb.cn Domain Name Registration .hb.cn$45.90 $50.70
.hb.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Hubei.
hi.cn Domain Name Registration .hi.cn$45.90 $50.70
.hi.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Hainan.
hk.cn Domain Name Registration .hk.cn$45.90 $50.70
.hk.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Hong Kong.
hl.cn Domain Name Registration .hl.cn$45.90 $50.70
.hl.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Heilongjiang.
hn.cn Domain Name Registration .hn.cn$45.90 $50.70
.hn.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Hunan.
jl.cn Domain Name Registration .jl.cn$45.90 $50.70
.jl.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Jilin.
js.cn Domain Name Registration .js.cn$45.90 $50.70
.js.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Jiangsu.
jx.cn Domain Name Registration .jx.cn$45.90 $50.70
.jx.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Jiangxi.
ln.cn Domain Name Registration .ln.cn$45.90 $50.70
.ln.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Liaoning.
mil.cn Domain Name Registration .mil.cn$45.90 $50.70
mo.cn Domain Name Registration .mo.cn$45.90 $50.70
.mo.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Macau.
nm.cn Domain Name Registration .nm.cn$45.90 $50.70
.nm.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Nei Mongol.
nx.cn Domain Name Registration .nx.cn$45.90 $50.70
.nx.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Ningxia.
qh.cn Domain Name Registration .qh.cn$45.90 $50.70
.qh.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Qinghai.
sc.cn Domain Name Registration .sc.cn$45.90 $50.70
.sc.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Sichuan.
sd.cn Domain Name Registration .sd.cn$45.90 $50.70
.sd.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Shandong.
sh.cn Domain Name Registration .sh.cn$45.90 $50.70
.sh.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Shanghai.
sn.cn Domain Name Registration .sn.cn$45.90 $50.70
.sn.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Shaanxi.
sx.cn Domain Name Registration .sx.cn$45.90 $50.70
.sx.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Shanxi.
tj.cn Domain Name Registration .tj.cn$45.90 $50.70
.tj.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Tianjin.
tw.cn Domain Name Registration .tw.cn$45.90 $50.70
.tw.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Taiwan.
xj.cn Domain Name Registration .xj.cn$45.90 $50.70
.xj.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Xinjiang.
xz.cn Domain Name Registration .xz.cn$45.90 $50.70
.xz.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Xizang.
yn.cn Domain Name Registration .yn.cn$45.90 $50.70
.yn.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Yunnan.
zj.cn Domain Name Registration .zj.cn$45.90 $50.70
.zj.cn domains are restricted to Chinese organisations in Zhejiang.

.he.cn Domain Whois Information

.he.cn domain registration

$45.90 for 1 year.

.he.cn Whois Delegation Record