.govUS Government
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a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.
.gov Domain Cost
This domain is currently un-available for registration
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Our Prices
Our prices include, email forwarding, web forwarding, pop boxes1, web hosting2, whois privacy, delete protection and other services all subject to our terms and conditions.
These services may be subject to limitations and additional conditions set by the specific cctld registry.
In addition all domains registered with BB Online are totally inclusive of maintenance and all third party fees incurred during the course of registration. We guarantee that no additional costs - hidden or otherwise - will be added.
.gov Renewals
.gov Domain General Information

Some U.S. federal agencies use .fed.us rather than .gov. The Department of Defense and its subsidiary organizations use .mil. Some U.S. governmental entities use other domains, such as the use of .com domains by the United States Postal Service (whih uses both usps.gov and usps.com for the same location, although it only advertises the .com version) and the United States Army's recruitment website (goarmy.com, this trend is repeated at the recruitment websites of the other branches of the U.S. Military).
Additionally, some technically private organizations having some formal association with the federal government make use of .gov, such as the quasi-public Federal Reserve System (federalreserve.gov).
All governments in the U.S. are allowed to apply for use of .gov, such as atlantaga.gov for the city of Atlanta, loudoun.gov for the county of Loudoun, Virginia and georgia.gov for the U.S. state of Georgia. This was not always true; under an earlie policy, only federal agencies were allowed to use the domain, and agencies beneath cabinet level were required to use subdomains of their parent agency. There is a lack of consistency in addresses of state and local government sites, with some using .gov, some .us, some using both (the Commonwealth of Virginia uses both www.state.va.us and www.virginia.gov for the same location) and still others in .com, .org or other TLDs.
Background Information :
Background information supplied by Wikipedia.It is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License
US Government Restrictions:
Restrictions: US Government domains, Must meet eligibility requirements and submit authorization letter
All our US Government domain prices include the maintenance & all other 3rd party fees during the registration period. There are no other costs involved when registering US Government domain names, no transfer fees and no hidden costs.
US Government Registry
General Services Administration, operated by ZoneEdit runs the .gov US Government domain registry. They are the sole source of US Government domains.
The US Government domain name registry is operated by General Services Administration, operated by ZoneEdit. All US Government domain names are registered via them.
US Government domains are sponsored by General Services Administration.US Government domains are intended for Governmental entities.
Registrations at second level permitted.
US Government Domains are subject to both our terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the US Government registry, General Services Administration, operated by ZoneEdit US Government domains.
Domain name services and options
- Helpful Support We offer real support, speak to a real support person on a standard rate phone line or if you wish contact us via email.
- Control Panels You can access your easy to use control panel and configure your domains anywhere anytime.
- Email Forwarding Unlimited Email forwarding from your domain names to any other email addresses.
- Web Forwarding Redirect your domain name to any other domain name.
Updated hourly and includes a capture all alias, Cloaked / Standard Web Redirection, Change redirections as often as you need.
- Free Parking Page We can park your domain name for free.
- DNS Zonefile Management Change A / MX / CNAME records for your domain.
- Change your DNS to any host Choose ANY hosting provider and let us manage just your domain name if required.
- Locked Domain Names Where possible we will implement a Registrar-Lock on your domains to prevent illegal transfers.
- Free transfers away, no admin feesTransfer your DNS freely (if required). Delegate your DNS to any provider you choose.
- Total Lock & SecurityIf this option is selected we will manually verify, the transfer request & request proof of authority. The ultimate in domain name security.
- Delete Protection If selected we will not delete your domain name at expiry and will give you 1 year to renew the domain. Available on selected TLD's only.
- Web Hosting Free web hosting for the first year. Subject to size and bandwidth constraints.
- Free Pop Boxes Two free pop boxes with every domain name registered.
- Free Whois Privacy Whois privacy applied upon request. (if the registry allows this).